Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fourth Day of Class

Today we will be learning how to set up a basic webpage. This is of great interest to me since I would love to be able to have a website where my students can download their homework if they are absent. I do have to say though that my one worry is that once something is posted on a website, it feels as though it is set in stone. Since I will be teaching two new math courses next year, it is often hard to gauge where lessons will fall for an entire month. I realize that it would be of the most benefit to post on a website daily, I wonder if that is do-able for newer teachers. Does anyone else feel this way or have this worry?


a said...

That sounds like a great idea. If students have access at home, they can get their homework or whatever they missed in class. Maybe you could do it once a week instead of every day (depending on how far ahead you make your lessons). Every day seems like it would be a lot of work to me. Your powerpoint WebQuest was great and your students will be lucky to have all of your technology skills in the classroom!

Janet said...

Having the time to keep up a website is important to think about. You don't want to start something and then not be able to keep it up. It creates an unfavorable image of both you and the school.

Rachel said...

This would be a huge commitmant but it also sounds worth while. I would put a disclaimer on the site that says "anticipated" homework assignment. You might want to post your classroom extension so students or parents can call to make sure changes weren't made.

Nancy said...

Right now it sounds like a huge commitment to post a year's worth of work if you are teaching a new class. I wonder wht the Regent's Prep site will do now that new courses will be taught at the high school level?

Gwinyeo Kwak said...


I also like the idea that students have access at home. It will be great help for students who are absent or far behind the class.
Your WebQuest is also really good. I am sure sutdents will do their best to be selected for publishing.